Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

Signup Login Scripts Tags Forums People Facebook - View All Photos By Dan Cooper — Last update May 14, 2008 — Installed 526,305 times. About Source Code Reviews 4 Discussions 61 Fans 74 Issues Share // ==UserScript== // @name Facebook - View All Photos // @version 1.4.1 // @description Places link to view all photos of a user // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @include http://** // @author Daniel Cooper // @author // ==/UserScript== switch( location.pathname ) { case "/profile.php": photosLink = document.getElementById('action_app_2305272732'); if (photosLink){ var pageurl = document.URL; photosLink.parentNode.replaceChild(applyprofile(getlink(),1), photosLink); } else{ var pageurl = document.URL; profileActionDiv = document.getElementById('profileActions'); profileActionDiv2 = document.createElement("div"); profileActionDiv2.appendChild(profileActionDiv.childNodes[0]); profileActionDiv2.appendChild(applyprofile(getnamelink(),0)); pActLen = profileActionDiv.childNodes.length; for(i = 1; i <= pActLen; i++) { profileActionDiv2.appendChild(profileActionDiv.childNodes[0]); } profileActionDiv2.setAttribute("id", "profileActions"); profileActionDiv.parentNode.replaceChild(profileActionDiv2, profileActionDiv); } break; case "/album.php": changePhotoLinksAlbum(); break; case "/s.php": case "/srch.php": searchResults = document.evaluate('//div[contains(@class, "result clearfix")]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (i = searchResults.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { indivUser = searchResults.snapshotItem(i); if (!(indivUser.innerHTML.match(/\%2Fprofile\.php/))) { try{ nameTag = indivUser.getElementsByTagName("dd")[0]; name = nameTag.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML; nameTag.innerHTML = ''+name+''; picTag = indivUser.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; picTag.innerHTML = ''+picTag.innerHTML+''; } catch(err){ } } } default: var pageurl = document.URL; changePhotoLinks(); if ("name=") != -1) { picDiv = document.evaluate('//a[contains(@href, "view=all&name=")]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (i = picDiv.snapshotLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { indivPic = picDiv.snapshotItem(i); indivPic.href = indivPic.href.replace(/name\=[%\w]+\&/,"") } } if ("aid=-1") == -1 &&"name=") == -1 &&"oid=") == -1 && ("photo_search.php") !== -1 ||"subj=") !== -1)) { onPhotos(getname(),getlink()); } break; } function applyprofile(link,known){ tagA = document.createElement("a"); tagA.setAttribute("href", link); tagDiv = document.createElement("div"); tagDiv.setAttribute("class", "holder clearfix"); tagDiv.setAttribute("onmouseout", "this.className='holder clearfix';"); tagDivDiv = document.createElement("div"); tagDivDiv.setAttribute("class", "text"); if (known){ tagDivDiv.innerHTML = photosLink.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML.replace("View Photos of","View All Photos of"); } else{ tagDivDiv.innerHTML = "View Some Photos"; } tagDiv.appendChild(tagDivDiv); tagA.appendChild(tagDiv); return tagA; } function getname(){ if ("&m=1") == -1) { pagetitle = document.title.split(" ",5); } else { pagetitle = document.title.split(" ",7); } return pagetitle.slice(pagetitle.lastIndexOf(",")); } function getnamelink(){ fullName = document.title.replace(/Facebook \| /,"").replace(/ /g,"+"); return "photo_search.php?name="+fullName+"&view=all" } function getlink(){ if ("subj=") == -1) { fbid = "id="; offset = 3; } else { fbid = "subj="; offset = 5; } idextract = pageurl.slice(pageurl.indexOf(fbid) + offset); if ("&") > -1) { idextract = idextract.substring(0, idextract.indexOf("&")); } return "photo_search.php?id=" + idextract + "&aid=1&auser=1&view=all"; } function onPhotos(firstname, link){ photoslinks = document.getElementById("content").getElementsByTagName("h4")[0]; photoslinks.innerHTML += '|View All Photos of '+firstname+''; if ("&aid=1&auser=1&view=all") !== -1) { headertitle = document.getElementById("content").getElementsByTagName("h2")[0]; headertitle.innerHTML = 'All Photos of ' + firstname } } function changePhotoLinks(){ photoTags = document.getElementById('phototags'); if (photoTags) { for (i=0;i

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